Monday, August 2, 2010

Life in My Little Corner of the World

Today has been a pretty boring normal day in my little corner of the world. On a plus note I got a giftcard to a certain department store (not the mart of walls) from a certain mom's site that I belong to. Nice to spend someone else's money for a change =)! Spent a lovely day yesterday with my wonderful in-laws, my loving husband, and of course my munchkin. Hoping my loving hubby has a good couple of days at work so he will take Wednesday off. That is the one thing I dislike about car sales. He normally works 12 hour days (sometimes more) 6 days a week. I love spending time with him, and I take the little bit that I get. We've been together almost 7 amazing years, married almost 6 of those years. I love him more with each passing day.

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