Monday, May 20, 2013

A Father's Day Gift That I Was Unable to Deliver Before Now

Anyone who actually knows me, knows I bite my nails.
Well, actually I used to bite my nails.
One of the earliest memories I have of my Daddy is him
telling me to stop biting my nails.
As I grew older that line changed to "Stop biting your
Damn nails."
Even after I had kids of my own.
One of the last conversations I had with him before he died
he told me again to stop biting my damn nails.
Believe it or not I miss hearing it!
In honor of Father's Day even if it is 4 1/2 years too late,
here is picture proof that I have indeed finally quit biting my
damn nails.

Daddy, I love you and I miss you. 
Happy Father's Day.
WhoDo Nickel Nickel


VD said...

I have no doubt in my mind that he would be so very proud of you! As I read this I could literally HEAR him say "Bout damn time!! If you can't show up on time, show up when you can"
(no one who reads this will understand that)

I love you and miss you bunches and bunches. I am very proud of you!!! And the last thing I have to say is..........................

Suzanne said...

Yeah well seeing as how you are the older sister you always do everything first. I love you, miss you too, and can't wait to see you in the morning!

And you're right, no one else will understand that one, but I do!